Consider Adverse Reactions to Anti-Sars-Cov-2 Compounds as Causes of Pediatric Neuro-Covid

Finsterer J MD, PhD (1) , Fulvio A. Scorza, MD (2)
(1) Klinik Landstrasse, Messerli Institute, Postfach 20, Vienna, Austria , Austria
(2) Klinik Landstrasse, Messerli Institute, Postfach 20, Vienna, Austria , Austria


With interest we read the article byLaRovere et al. about a retrospective analysis of 365 patients aged <21y  with  neurological  complications  ofclinically  manifesting  infection  with  SARS-CoV-2  (neuro-COVID).[1]  It  was  concluded  that  neuro-COVID  in  this  cohort  was  frequently  mild  and  transient  and that   only   43   patients   (11,7%)   experienced   life-threatening   neurological   complications,   such   as encephalopathy  (n=15),  Ischämie/hemorrhaghic  stroke  (n=12),  CNS-infection/ADEM  (n=8),  cerebral edema (n=4), or Guillain-Barre syndrome (n=4).[1] We have the following comments and concerns

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Finsterer J MD, PhD (Primary Contact)
Fulvio A. Scorza, MD
MD, PhD, F. J., & Scorza, MD, F. A. (2022). Consider Adverse Reactions to Anti-Sars-Cov-2 Compounds as Causes of Pediatric Neuro-Covid. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 4(04). Retrieved from
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