Unrecognized epiglottic cyst with difficult intubation: a rare case.

Dr. Manju (1)
(1) Senior Resident Department of Medicine Dr.RPGMC Tanda H.P , India


Nondiagnosedintraoropharyngeal  abnormalitiesor  pathologiessuch  as  epiglottic  cystic mass  mayresult in unanticipated difficulty in mask ventilation (MV) and endotracheal intubation.Epiglottic cyst is a benign cyst with unknown etiology. It is a rare presentation in adults and may mask the viewfor airway  intubation.  We  report  a  case  of54  years malewith  an  epiglottic  cyst,  plannedfor  open cholecystectomywith difficult mask ventilation and intubation.We detail the methods and strategies for  successful  endotracheal  tube  insertion. Wealso  discuss  Airway  management  options  in  adult patients withepiglottic cystsdiscussed after followinga review of the current literature

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Dr. Manju
drmanjubansal.bansal@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Manju, D. . (2022). Unrecognized epiglottic cyst with difficult intubation: a rare case. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 2(12). Retrieved from http://jmcrr.info/index.php/jmcrr/article/view/163
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