Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews 2025-03-08T07:36:55+00:00 vivek Open Journal Systems <p><strong>ISSN: </strong>2589-8655 (Electronic) | 2589-8647 (Print) | 2589-8647 (Linking)</p> <div class="copy-figure"> <div class="copy-figcaption"> <p>Editor-in-Chief: <strong>Andrii Puzyrenko, M.D., Ph.D.</strong></p> </div> </div> <p>An international, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal publishing original case reports and Reviews from all medical specialties. Submissions should not normally exceed 8,000 words or 10 published pages including figures, diagrams and references.</p> <p>The journal follow the principles of the <a title="COPE" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Committee on Publication Ethics</a> (COPE).</p> <div class="layout-block-xs layout-xs-column layout-row"> <div class="item-details-element-container flex"> <div class="item-details-element" style="box-sizing: border-box;" role="list"> <div class="word-break layout-column" role="listitem" aria-hidden="false"> <div aria-hidden="false"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="nlmcat_entry"> <dl class="nlmcat_dl"> <dt> <p>NLM Title Abbreviation: <strong>J Med Case Rep Rev</strong></p> <p>NLM ID: <a href=";query=lds04,exact,101775782">101775782</a> [Serial]</p> <p>In: PubMed Selected citations only</p> <p>MMS ID: 9917757823406676</p> <p>CrossRef: DOI (Old : 10.15520) (New: )</p> <p>Scopus : Under Evaluation</p> </dt> </dl> </div> <p>In: <a href=""><strong>publons</strong></a></p> <p>In:<strong> ICMJE </strong>(Journals follow the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals)</p> <p>In: <strong>Google Scholar</strong></p> <p>We publish innovative original research papers, review articles, case reports and short communications dealing with all the medical specialties like Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Forensic medicine, Microbiology, Community Medicine, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Orthopedics, Psychiatry, Radiology, Pulmonary Medicine, Dermatology and Venereal diseases, Infectious Diseases, Anaesthesia, Cardiology, Diabetes, Cancer research, Endocrinology, Urology, Neurosurgery, Geriatric Medicine, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Nephrology, Dentistry and Medical education.</p> Finding Appropriate Therapies for Blood Pressure, Diabetes (2), and Related Conditions 2025-01-27T18:38:17+00:00 Alaa Al-Darraji <p>For many people worldwide, diabetes type 2, blood pressure, particularly hypertension, and associated conditions have been the most serious issues in recent decades. Since these illnesses differ from others, a sample from various societies was selected for this study in a tiny city in southern Iraq named "Al-Mejar Al-Kabeer" in order to investigate them accurately. those in this city engage in the same activities as those in other Iraqi cities, and the only change that has occurred in the previous 20 years is the switch from tap water to commercial water, known as R.O. Around 20,000 of the city's 70,000 residents have diabetes, which means that more than 28% of the population as a whole has the condition, and this ratio may be more for hypertension. The study's findings indicate that civilization is the primary cause of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and related illnesses. Based on solid evidence, it is recommended that people with diabetes, hypertension, and related conditions take 5 grams of potassium ions (K+) daily and less sodium ions (2:1). Since insulin is actually made from recognized amino acids, the body needs adequate levels of these acids. As a result, the proper therapy for type 2 diabetes involves more than just potassium; it also requires adequate amounts of proteins every day or every three days. According to the research's references, diabetes and hypertension are widely understood conditions, but a chemist's perspective is necessary to completely comprehend them.</p> 2025-03-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews