Inguinal Hernia at Level Two hospital in Bissau: Epidemiological and Therapeutic Profile

Dr Madawase MBOUP (1)
(1) Hopital niveau 2-ECOMIB Bissau , Zambia


Aim:The   objective   was   to   study   the   epidemiological   and therapeutic aspect of inguinal hernia at level 2 hospital in Bissau. Patients   and   methods:We   carried   out   a   prospective   and descriptive  study  of  patients  operated  on  for  inguinal  hernia  in the  surgical  department of  level 2 hospital  in Bissau. Results:74 patients were operated on for inguinal hernia over a period of 12 months.  The  average  age  was  40.51  years  (1  and  80  years  old). There  were  98.65%  (72)  men  and  1.35%  (1)  woman.  Farmers  and workers   accounted   for   30.13%   (22).   In   57.5%   (42),   patients consulted  for  inguinal  swelling.  Preoperatively,  the  hernia  was complicated   in   14   (19.1%)   patients,   including   5   cases   of recurrence.   Hernial   strangulation   was   the   main   preoperative complication    (10/14).    The    patients    were    operated    under locoregional   anesthesia   in   93.15%   (68)   and   under   general anesthesia  in  6.85%  (5)  of  the  cases.  The  most  practiced  surgical technique   was   the   cure   according   to   Désarda   (35.89%),   the immediate  operating  morbidity  was  4.05%.Conclusion:inguinal hernia  was  common  in  our  practice.  It  mainly  concerned  young adult  males.  Surgery  is  always  an  effective  treatment  and  stress-free cures should be preferred. In children, the isolated closure of the  vaginal  peritoneal  canal  without  Parietal  strengthening  is  the rule.

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Dr Madawase MBOUP (Primary Contact)
MBOUP, D. M. (2022). Inguinal Hernia at Level Two hospital in Bissau: Epidemiological and Therapeutic Profile. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 3(04). Retrieved from
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