Dermatofibrosarcoma Scalp –A Malignant Turban Over Head

Agrawal Lalit (1)
(1) Mch plasticsurgery residentDepartment of plastic surgeryJawaharlal Nehru medical college and hospitalAligarh (uttar pradesh). India , India


Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans is a rare fibrous tumour of skin which is slow growing and locally aggressive.DFSP is a malignant tumour which is characterized by high probability of local relapse with  low  metastatic  potential.    With  less  than  5%  of  the  tumors involving  scalp  these  tumors  are  frequently  misdiagnosed  and locally  excised  with  insufficient  margins.  Wide  local  excision  of tumour with 2-5cm of adequate margin is modality of treatment of dermatofibrosarcoma.We  are  reporting  a  case  of  70yr  male  with bleeding  scalp  lesion.  After  thorough  work  up,  wide  excisionwith cover of defect with local transposition flap was done. There was no recurrence in Post-operative follow up of six months

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Agrawal Lalit (Primary Contact)
Lalit , A. . (2022). Dermatofibrosarcoma Scalp –A Malignant Turban Over Head. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 3(03). Retrieved from
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