The Truth About Bio-Energy, Cells Divisions and Some Important Concepts of Different Creatures

Alaa H. Al-Darraji (1)
(1) College of Science –Chemistry Dept. Iraq , Iraq


All  creatures in  the  earth move all  the  time due they  have certain energy which continually produced in them bodies. References(11 and 15)show   that ATP   and   other like nucleotides are responsible   for producing this energy but how this specific moleculeproduce energy while thousands chemical molecules do notdo that!In another hand, cell'sdivision is so important process in the earth, it represents life's basic phenomenon, it responsible for; Reproduction, Repair  and Growthof  all  creaturesin  the world. Then  without understanding scientific basics of this phenomenon,it is impossible to understand howhumans and other creatures form, how they grow up, and how they repair thosebodies!It highly obvious  that  there  is no  clearscientific  vision about above most  importantphenomenain  the  earth, for  this, in this  research a full  survey  depending  on  chemistry principles was  done on known procedures  of  DNA  extraction  processes. In  addition, it contains chemical   explanation   for DNA's identification   techniques;   U.V.-Visible,Electrophoresis  and  N.M.R  spectroscopy.Finally,  the  truth moment of this research representsall above surveys which includedDNA's   samples that extracted   in   biology   department.   All these indicated one scientific fact that  DNA  extraction  processes  that widely   used for   long   time   ago by many   researchers produce unsaturated   fatty   acidsdo   notproduce   DNA   or   nucleotidesmolecules. Therefore, all theories that depended on these extractions processes are incorrect.  Understanding  of  different  Cells  functions  depending  on  facts  and good  evidences  lead this  research to  explain  another important conceptsuch  as;Fertilization  process, identities  of different viruses and their right treatment,the   reason   of obesityand its right treatment...etc.Depending on;Chemistry science, facts and excellent evidences,this research givesfull    explanations    about    above    so    important phenomenaand  concepts. It believesthat  chemistry  can  solve  more than  these and it  able  to explainmost  important  phenomena  in  the earth. In  fact, Chemistry  touch  is  so  necessary for explainingmost important phenomena in the earth


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Alaa H. Al-Darraji (Primary Contact)
Al-Darraji, A. H. . (2022). The Truth About Bio-Energy, Cells Divisions and Some Important Concepts of Different Creatures. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 3(02). Retrieved from
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