Delayed presentation of congenital diaphragmatic eventration in a 12-year -old girl:a rare case report

Dr.Harsh Rajeev Mehta (1) , Dr.Sriranjani Iyer (2) , Dr. Sarojini P. Jadhav (3) , Dr. Junaid Shaikh (4)
(1) junior resident, general surgery, GMC Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. , India
(2) unior resident, general surgery, GMC Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India. , India
(3) Professor and head, general surgery, GMC Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India , India
(4) Associate Professor, general surgery, GMC Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India , India


A diaphragmatic hernia is a protrusion of the
abdominal viscera through the diaphragm with or without a hernial
Its estimated incidence has been reported to be 1 in 2000 to 5000
live births. Late presentation of congenital diaphragmatic hernia is
uncommon, accounting for 5
30% of all cases.
Case presentation
female child presented with
chief compl
aints of non
specific, intermittent, vague abdominal
pain with no other complaints. CECT of abdomen was suggestive of
left sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Intraoperatively, there was evidence
Eventration of left hemidiaphragm
Evidence o
f stomach, spleen, splenic flexure and transverse colon
in left hemithorax.
Hypoplasia of left lung.
Posterior half of diaphragm was approximated with posterior
peritoneum with polydiaxonone sutures and strengthening done.
This type of herni
a usually presents later in life with
respiratory or gastrointestinal problems that may be mistaken for
acquired disease. Beyond infancy, diaphragmatic hernia is an
unusual finding. There are different causes other than congenital
diaphragmatic hernia like
trauma, phrenic nerve palsy and
longstanding acquired hiatus hernia.

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Dr.Harsh Rajeev Mehta (Primary Contact)
Dr.Sriranjani Iyer
Dr. Sarojini P. Jadhav
Dr. Junaid Shaikh
Mehta, D. R. ., Iyer, D., P. Jadhav, D. S. ., & Shaikh, D. J. . (2022). Delayed presentation of congenital diaphragmatic eventration in a 12-year -old girl:a rare case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 3(02). Retrieved from
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