Anesthesia and Mental Illness

Hesham Maged (1)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:18:"Cairo University ";} , Egypt


Multiple psychiatric patients are prescribed long-term drug treatment of Psychotropic agents, and the anesthesiologist must be aware of the potential interactions with anesthetic drugs. Psychotropic drugs often given in combination with each other or with other non-psychiatric drugs. Hence, prior intake of these drugs is very important in the management of the patient about to undergo anesthesia and operations. This article highlights the effects of anesthetics on patients taking antipsychotics, antidepressants, lithium carbonate. And tramadol the risk should be considered in the perioperative period and the extent of surgery, the patient's physical state, anesthesia, the effects of psychotropic drugs, risk of withdrawal effects and risk of psychiatric relapse and the risk of psychiatric emergency cases like Serotonin syndrome and Neuroleptic Malignant  Syndrome must be consider

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Hesham Maged (Primary Contact)
Maged, H. (2023). Anesthesia and Mental Illness . Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 6(10). Retrieved from
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