Evolving The Role of Pharmacists in the Monitoring and Management of Adverse Drug Reactions in A Tertiary Care Hospital

Sara Shreen (1) , Sumayya Afreen (2) , Naseem Noor (3) , Noorin Fatima (4) , Firdous Begum Ghousia (5) , Mohammed Misbah Ul Haq (6)
(1) , India
(2) , India
(3) , India
(4) , India
(5) , India
(6) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:25:"Deccan School of Pharmacy";} , India


Background: Healthcare patient safety is threatened by adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Clinical pharmacists monitor and manage ADRs in tertiary care institutions, but their position is constantly expanding. At a tertiary care hospital, this research examined clinical pharmacists' expanding involvement in ADR monitoring and management. 

Methods: At a tertiary care hospital with a clinical pharmacy department (pharmacovigilance centre), a mixed-methods study design was used. Quantitative data collection included retrospective (prospective study) examination of electronic health records to identify ADR instances and pertinent patient data, as well as drug orders, prescriptions, and laboratory results. Qualitative data was collected via semi-structured interviews with clinical pharmacists and focus group discussions with patient care providers. Data analysis included descriptive statistics for quantitative data, comparative ADR incidence analysis, and thematic analysis of qualitative data. 

Results: Demographics, incidence rates, and ADR kinds were revealed by quantitative analysis. Comparative investigation showed that clinical pharmacists reduced ADR incidence. Qualitative investigation revealed clinical pharmacists' ADR monitoring and management experiences, opinions, and problems. Focus group talks highlighted clinical pharmacists' role on patient safety. Discussion: Clinical pharmacists are crucial to ADR monitoring and treatment, according to this research. Their engagement in tertiary care hospitals reduced ADR incidence, improving patient safety and healthcare quality. Clinical pharmacists' roles in patient care are supported by the research. Enhancing clinical pharmacy practice and pharmacists' involvement in ADR monitoring and treatment are explored. 

Conclusion: This study highlights clinical pharmacists' expanding involvement in ADR monitoring and treatment in tertiary care hospitals. Integrating quantitative and qualitative data sheds light on patient safety and healthcare quality. Clinical pharmacists can improve patient outcomes and pharmaceutical safety by monitoring and managing ADRs, according to the research. findings. The study suggests that healthcare organizations should prioritize the integration of clinical pharmacists into their care teams to enhance patient safety and optimize medication therapy. 

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Sara Shreen
Sumayya Afreen
Naseem Noor
Noorin Fatima
Firdous Begum Ghousia
Mohammed Misbah Ul Haq
misbahjed@hotmail.com (Primary Contact)
Sara Shreen, Sumayya Afreen, Naseem Noor, Noorin Fatima, Firdous Begum Ghousia, & Mohammed Misbah Ul Haq. (2023). Evolving The Role of Pharmacists in the Monitoring and Management of Adverse Drug Reactions in A Tertiary Care Hospital . Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 6(08). Retrieved from https://jmcrr.info/index.php/jmcrr/article/view/278
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