Nasal sarcoidosis revealing systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren syndrome

Fatma Ajlani (1) , Rabie Ben Hammouda (2) , Manel Chebbi (3) , Khaled Charrada (4) , Sana Ferchichi (5) , Salem Mansour (6) , aymen azaiez (7) , ghada kharrat (8) , raja amri (9) , emna chalbi (10)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:6:"doctor";} , Tunisia
(2) , Tunisia
(3) , Tunisia
(4) , Tunisia
(5) , Tunisia
(6) , Tunisia
(7) , Tunisia
(8) , Tunisia
(9) , Tunisia
(10) , Tunisia



Describe an original case of a rare association of sarcoidosis with systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren's syndrome in its nasal location.


A 52-year-old patient with a history of type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure consulted for bilateral nasal obstruction and epistaxis progressing for 1 year. Nasal endoscopy revealed polyploid formations. A nasal biopsy with histological study which demonstrated epithelioid and gigantocellular granulomatosis without caseous necrosis.
 The dosage of antibodies anti nuclear, anti SSA, anti DNA and anti Sm antibodies is positive.


Chronic rhinosinusitis are common ailments, but they can also be symptoms of one or more diseases of the system. Their management requires a multidisciplinary approach which often includes otolaryngologists and internists.

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Fatma Ajlani (Primary Contact)
Rabie Ben Hammouda
Manel Chebbi
Khaled Charrada
Sana Ferchichi
Salem Mansour
aymen azaiez
ghada kharrat
raja amri
emna chalbi
Ajlani, F., Ben Hammouda, R., Chebbi, M., Charrada, K., Ferchichi, S., Mansour, S., azaiez, aymen, kharrat, ghada, amri, raja, & chalbi, emna. (2023). Nasal sarcoidosis revealing systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren syndrome. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 6(02). Retrieved from
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