Self-regulating characterization of risk factors in the heart for elderly consumers of tobacco.

Hassan Haithem Thabet (1) , , Leonardo Rodríguez Méndez (2) , Jesús Cuéllar Álvarez (3) , Maira Quintana Ugando (4) , Andrea Corsina Rodríguez Mendoza (5)
(1) Central University "Marta Abreu" of the Villas. Cuba. Department of Psychology , Cuba
(2) Central University "Marta Abreu" of the Villas. Cuba. Department of Psychology , Cuba
(3) Policlinic "José Ramón León Acosta" of Villa Clara. Cuba. Department of Health , Cuba
(4) Central University "Marta Abreu" of the Villas. Cuba. Department of Psychology , Cuba
(5) Policlinic "José Ramón León Acosta" of Villa Clara. Cuba. Department of Health. , Cuba


tobacco consumption and its toxic consequences in elderly is an essential element in current healthcare work from the health professionals themselves.

Objective: to characterize the self-regulation of risk factors in the heart for elderly consumers of tobacco.

Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in a health area, where from a population of 70 there was a sample of 41 elderly with tobacco consumption belonging to the "José Ramón León Acosta" polyclinic in Santa Clara. Empirical and statistical methods, open interview and review of individual medical records were used.

Results:  the factors of risks of the consumption of tobacco and sex are the cardiopatic (97,6 %) , followed by the presence of  cerebral heart attack  (75,6 %) and  hypertension with 70,7 %.

Conclusions: tobacco consumption in elderly is a real health problem. It is very important to carry out health actions to prevent this toxic substance and factors of risks in the heart from the clinical psychology.

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Hassan Haithem Thabet
, Leonardo Rodríguez Méndez
Jesús Cuéllar Álvarez
Maira Quintana Ugando
Andrea Corsina Rodríguez Mendoza
Thabet , H. H., Méndez , , . L. R. ., Álvarez , J. C. ., Ugando , M. Q. ., & Rodríguez Mendoza , A. C. . (2022). Self-regulating characterization of risk factors in the heart for elderly consumers of tobacco. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 1(07). Retrieved from
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