Near Total Penile Amputation in A Child Following Accidental Entrapment in A Machine Belt

Dr.Rajendra Nerli (1) , Shashank Patil (2) , Shoubhik Chandra (3) , Shreyas Rai (4) , Keyur Patel (5) , Neeraj S. Dixit (6)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:161:"Department of Urology, JN Medical College, KLE Academy of Higher Education & Research (Deemed-to-be-University), JNMC Campus, Nehru Nagar, Belagavi-590010, India";} , India
(2) , India
(3) , India
(4) , India
(5) , India
(6) , India


Penile injuries in childhood are uncommon as the penis is mobile and largely
protected by its position. The cause and type of penile trauma varies in severity from a
simple entrapment in a zipper to the more serious injuries and total emasculation. We
report a 14-year-old male child who presented to the casualty of our hospital with a
near total amputation of the penis following entrapment of his penis in a machine
belt. A degloving injury was noted over the shaft of the penis, with a deep contused
lacerated wound over the mid shaft region and the distal segment hanging with a
small shred of tissue. The penis was reconstructed. Penile reconstruction done under
strict sterile conditions and using the residual tissues gives good functional and
cosmetic results.

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Dr.Rajendra Nerli (Primary Contact)
Shashank Patil
Shoubhik Chandra
Shreyas Rai
Keyur Patel
Neeraj S. Dixit
Nerli, D., Patil, S. ., Chandra, S. ., Rai, S. ., Patel, K. ., & Dixit, N. S. . (2022). Near Total Penile Amputation in A Child Following Accidental Entrapment in A Machine Belt. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 5(07). Retrieved from
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