Hyperprolactinaemia –Need for an Early Endocrinology Review in infertility Assessments

Dr Nkpozi Marcellinus Okafor (1)
(1) Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Unit, Department of Medicine, AbiaState University Teaching Hospital (ABSUTH), Aba, Nigeria. , Nigeria


Hyperprolactinaemia,   a   frequent cause   of   female   infertility,presentswith   galactorrhoeaor interference  with  menstrual  cycles  leading  to  primary  or  secondary amenorrhea.It  could,  also,  be asymptomatic.  The  objective  of  this  report  is  to  draw  attention  to  thistreatable cause  of  infertility which when asymptomatic may cause unnecessary delay indefinitive infertility treatment.Two cases of hyperprolactinaemia weremanaged in Abia State University Teaching Hospital (ABSUTH), Aba,with favorable  outcome  aftervariabledelays  beforetreatment.One  of  the  womenhad  no  symptoms  of hyperprolactinaemia while the second presented with the nonspecificsymptoms due to mass effectofprolactinoma. In conclusion, ifmale factor for infertility and structural/anatomic disorders in femaleare  excluded,  hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarianaxis  should  be  assessed  early  in  all  infertility  cases. Early endocrinology reviewis, therefore,importantin the evaluation offemale infertility

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Dr Nkpozi Marcellinus Okafor
marcelnkpozi@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Marcellinus Okafor, D. N. . (2022). Hyperprolactinaemia –Need for an Early Endocrinology Review in infertility Assessments. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 2(03). Retrieved from https://jmcrr.info/index.php/jmcrr/article/view/181
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