Normalization of Psyche by Healthy Lifestyle of Various Groups of The Population

Evgeniy Bryndin (1) , Irina Bryndina (2)
(1) Research Centre "NATURE INFORMATIC", Technological Platform Future Medicine, Novosibirsk, Russia , Russian Federation
(2) Pediatric Faculty, Novosibirsk StateMedical University, Novosibirsk, Russia , Russian Federation


In  the  conditions  of  the  increasing  information  loads  of  consciousness  of  the  person, stabilization  of  mental  health  of  the  population  becomes  a  main  objective.  The  World  Health Organization considers that the state of health of the person for 75% his way of life and a power supply system, for 10% -heredity defines, another 10% -environmental conditions, and only for 5% of serviceof health care. Health of the person most of all depends on a way of life. The healthy lifestyle will provide to the person mental and physical health all life

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Evgeniy Bryndin (Primary Contact)
Irina Bryndina
Bryndin, E. . ., & Bryndina, I. . (2022). Normalization of Psyche by Healthy Lifestyle of Various Groups of The Population. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 2(10). Retrieved from
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