Case Report: Reasons for Non-Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in A Retroviral Disease (RVD) Patient

Ali Haider Mohammed (1)
(1) Department of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Teknologi MARA,Bandar Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia , Malaysia


Objective:To report a case of an HIV patient who was not compliant to ART medications, and explain the reasons behind that.

Case  Summary: This 36years  old Malay  femalewith 49kgwas attended toretroviral  disease  (RVD) Medication Therapy Adherence Clinic(MTAC) at Hospital Sungai Buloh (HSB) to follow up and refill her antiretroviral  therapy  (ART)  regimen  on  20thAugust  2018.  She  has  been  diagnosed  with RVDsince 2004, but started her highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) since 2008 when she visited HSB for the  first  time.  She  was  given  a  variety  combination  of  HAART  regimens  from  2008  until  2018,  and developed resistance to some of them due to her poor compliance. ART medications’ side effects and number ofpills are the main reason to default the medications. Consequently, she has failed the first line regimen, and currently has not had any good treatment regimen with virological suppressions.

Discussion:Treatment  adherence  is  generally  regarded  as  an  important  factor  in  achieving  optimal outcomes across many disease states; in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), poor adherence  to  treatment  has  the  potential  to  impact  outcomes  on  multiple  levels. The  causes  of  poor adherence  to  ART  are  extremely  diverse,  and  include  complexity  of  therapeutic  regimens  (eg,  pill burden and dosing frequency), and treatment side effects. Treatment approaches, such as the use of fixed-dose  combinations  of ART  agents  to  reduce  dosing  complexity,giving  symptomatic  treatments to treat the side effects,as well as educational interventions, such as medication therapy management initiatives, have been shown to improve adherence to therapy in HIV.

Conclusion:Acase  of patient,  whohas failed  multiple  HAART regimens,was  presented and reasons that  lead  the  patient  to  have  poor  compliance  and  developed  resistance  to  certain  ART  drugs  were discussed.

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Ali Haider Mohammed (Primary Contact)
Mohammed, A. . H. . (2022). Case Report: Reasons for Non-Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in A Retroviral Disease (RVD) Patient. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 2(05). Retrieved from
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