Psychosocial Situations in Cardiovascular Diseases

Isa Ardahanli (1) , Mehmet Celik (2) , Mehmet Serdar Cengizhan (3)
(1) Bilecik State Hospital, Department of Cardiology , Turkey
(2) Antalya KepezState Hospital, Department of Endocrinolgy and Metabolism , Turkey
(3) Bilecik State Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine , Turkey


Cardiovascular diseases(CVD)are a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Psychosocial factors are important in the development and prognosis of CVD. Psychosocial risk factors such as lack of social support, work and family life stress, depression, anxiety, personality type have been shown to  worsen both  coronary heart disease  development  risk and clinical  process and  prognosis  in  many studies  conducted  for  many  years.  In  addition,  some  psychobiological  and  behavioral  mechanisms have  been  defined.  In  clinical  practice,  psychosocial  risk  factors  should  be  identified  and  medical outcomes discussed with the patient. Risky patients with clinical symptoms of anxiety and depression should  be  guided  for  professional  mental  health  assistance.  In  cardiac  rehabilitation,  psychosocial interventions,   including   cognitive   therapy,   problem-solving   therapy,   and   stress management programs, can be performed alone or in combination with other interventions

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Isa Ardahanli (Primary Contact)
Mehmet Celik
Mehmet Serdar Cengizhan
Ardahanli, I. ., Celik, M. ., & Cengizhan, M. S. . . (2022). Psychosocial Situations in Cardiovascular Diseases. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 2(05). Retrieved from
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