Evaluation of The Medical Management of Stroke by Clinical Evolution in The Medical Emergencies of The Niamey National Hospital

Abdoul Nasser Garba Baoua (1)
(1) , Niger


Context and objective: The objective of this study is linked to the serious  consequences  of  the  stroke on  the  quality  of  life  of patients  was  to  assess  the  quality  of  the  first  treatment  which they  benefit  in  medical  emergencies  of  the  national  hospital  of Niamey.Methods:This is a prospective study with a duration of nine (9) months from July 2019 to March 2020 in medical emergencies at Niamey  National  Hospital.  Was  eligible,  any  consenting  patient having developed a stroke with a lesion objectified to the brain scan.Results:The  study had included  a  total  of  100  subjects,  59  of whom   had   a   cerebral   infarction   and   the   other   41   had   a haemorrhagic stroke. The average age was 60.42±15.48 years and a sex ratio of 1. Housewives were the most represented (43%). Age was  the  most common  risk  factor  with  64%.  The  right  side  was the  most  affected  side. The  carotid  territory  was  the  most involved  in  the  accidents.The  lesion  of  the  left  frontal  lobe predominated at the level of the affected brain lobes (50%). At the level of treatmentonly the osmotic diuretics contributed to the improvement    of    the    neuromuscular    state (p=0.016)    in haemorrhagic  stroke  on  the  contrary,  antihypertensive  drugs with  p=0.33  in  ischemic  stroke  and  p=0.11  in  haemorrhagic stroke  did  not  contribute.  Lipid-lowering  drugs  were  also  not associated  with  an  improvement  in  the  neuromuscular  deficit with p=0.073.Conclusion:In  the  course  of  this  study,  only  osmotic  diuretics had contributed to the improvement of the clinical condition of haemorrhagic stroke patients

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Abdoul Nasser Garba Baoua
nassergarba1954@yahoo.com (Primary Contact)
Garba Baoua, A. N. . (2022). Evaluation of The Medical Management of Stroke by Clinical Evolution in The Medical Emergencies of The Niamey National Hospital. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 4(03). Retrieved from https://jmcrr.info/index.php/jmcrr/article/view/118
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