A Prospective Study on Efficacy of Selective Alpha 1a Adrenoceptor Antagonist and Selective Alpha 1d Adrenoreceptor Antagonist Versus with Anticholinergics in Management of Luts in Benign Enlargement of Prostate

Dr.NookiNaidu Chitikela (1)
(1) Senior resident, Department of Urology, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati, India. , India



•To   compare   the   clinical   efficacy   of   naftopidiland tamsulosin versus tolterodine and tamsulosin in treatment of  lower  urinary  tract  symptoms  (storage)  associated  with benign prostatic enlargement.

Patients and Methods

•A  prospective  randomized  study  from  January  2011  to December  2012;  with  a  minimum follow  up  period  of  6 months  was  conducted  in  men  with  lower  urinary  tract symptoms (Storage) due to benign prostatic enlargement.

•The  study  cohort  was  randomized  into  two  treatment groups:  Group  1  receiving  25  mg  Naftopidil  +  0.4  mg tamsulosin  daily  (n-50),  and  Group  2  receiving  0.4  mg Tamsulosin + 2mg tolterodine daily (n-50).

•Baseline  symptom  scores  (IPSS)  were  compared  with  those

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Dr.NookiNaidu Chitikela
naidudr80@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Chitikela, D. . (2022). A Prospective Study on Efficacy of Selective Alpha 1a Adrenoceptor Antagonist and Selective Alpha 1d Adrenoreceptor Antagonist Versus with Anticholinergics in Management of Luts in Benign Enlargement of Prostate. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 3(07). Retrieved from http://jmcrr.info/index.php/jmcrr/article/view/96
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