Increasing The Connection of Composite Resin With Biomaterials: A Case Report

Dt. Mert Çelik (1) , Aybike Şeker (2) , Aykut Kanat (3)
(1) Istanbul Medipol University , Turkey
(2) Istanbul Medipol University , Turkey
(3) Endodontic Specialist, Istanbul , Turkey


Aim:Traumatic  dental  injuries  are  one  of  the  most  common pathologies  after  dental  caries  in  childhood.  It  is  important  for dentist  to  correctly  determine  the  damage  after  trauma  in  dental tissues,   to   apply   the   appropriate   treatment   and   to   provide aesthetics which is lost. Narrow and shallow cavities are often the nightmare of dentists due to the difficulty of providing aesthetics during restorative work. This case report describes the application of  a  silane  coupling  agent  to  increase  the  bond  strength  of  the composite  resin  with  MTA  in  permanent  incisors  which  were damaged by trauma and have undergone Cvek pulpotomy. Case  report:  The  treatment  was  completed  by  applying  silane coupling agent to the interproximal surface in order to increase the MTA composite connection in a 9-year-old girl who underwent Cvek pulpotomy with MTA due to a crown fracture in her upper incisors. The treatment was checked after 6 months.Conclusion:It is seen that silane coupling agents can be used for increasing the composite MTA bond strength in narrow and shallow cavities and in cases where aesthetics is difficult to provide

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Dt. Mert Çelik (Primary Contact)
Aybike Şeker
Aykut Kanat
Çelik, D. M. ., Şeker, A. ., & Kanat, A. . (2022). Increasing The Connection of Composite Resin With Biomaterials: A Case Report. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 3(03). Retrieved from
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