Term pregnancy with a successful fetal outcome in An undiagnosed didelphys uterus: A case report.

Boniface C Okpala (1)
(1) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, PMB 5025, Nnewi, Nigeria , Nigeria


Didelphys uterus is a rare congenital abnormality of the Mullerian
duct with incidence
ranging from 0.5% to
5% of all the Mullerian
development anomalies.
A successful
pregnancy in a didelphys
uterus is even rarer. We present a case report of successful
pregnancy outcome in a didelphys uterus.
Mrs.LK a 22 year old
primigravida referred from a maternity home as a case of poor
progress of labour at 38 weeks gestational age.
revealed 2
vaginal orifices with the left orifice continuous with
the uterus
the fetus. She had
section that confirms didelphys uterus.
operative and
operative period
s were uneventful
Proper evaluation and
management of pregnancy in a didelphys uterus will prevent
unwarranted complications

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Boniface C Okpala
biastalee@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
C Okpala, B. . . (2022). Term pregnancy with a successful fetal outcome in An undiagnosed didelphys uterus: A case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 4(01). Retrieved from http://jmcrr.info/index.php/jmcrr/article/view/43
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