A rare case of parathyroid adenoma with concurrent Vertebral brown tumour and acute necrotizing Pancreatitis- a case report

Muhammad Khurram (1) , Amna Rauf (2) , Fatima Rauf (3) , Sidra Rauf (4)
(1) Rawalpindi Medical University, Rawalpindi , Pakistan
(2) Medicine Department, Military Hospital, Rawalpindi , Pakistan
(3) Rawalpindi Medical University, Rawalpindi , Pakistan
(4) Federal Medical and Dental College, Islamabad , Pakistan


Primary hyperparathyroidism is a disorder of one or more parathyroid
glands characterized by increased production of parathyroid hormone.
Fatigue, muscle weakness, bone pains, osteoporosis, bone fractures and
kidneystonesare commonpresentingfeatures ofprimaryhyperparathy-
roidism. Here we present a middle-aged female with primary hyper-
parathyroidism due to adenoma of parathyroid gland who presented
with pathological fracture of femur, renal calculi, acute necrotizing
pancreatitis and vertebral brown tumor

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Muhammad Khurram
drmkhurram@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Amna Rauf
Fatima Rauf
Sidra Rauf
Khurram, M. ., Rauf, A. ., Rauf, F., & Rauf, S. . (2022). A rare case of parathyroid adenoma with concurrent Vertebral brown tumour and acute necrotizing Pancreatitis- a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 4(09). Retrieved from http://jmcrr.info/index.php/jmcrr/article/view/39
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