Obstructive nephropathy secondary to meatal stenosis: a rare cause in adults; a case report and literature review.

Ifeoluwa Stowe (1) , Babawale Bello (2)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:55:"Baton Rouge General Internal Medicine Residency Program";} , United States
(2) , Nigeria


Obstructive uropathy is a well-documented reversible cause of acute kidney injury; however, it can lead to chronic kidney disease if not identified and treated early. The common causes of urinary tract obstruction in adults are stones and malignancy. Congenital causes and meatal stenosis are rarely seen in adults. We report a 34-year-old male who complained of abdominal swelling with evaluation revealing evidence of renal impairment and an abdominopelvic CT scan showing bilateral hydronephrosis. Clinical examination revealed an adult circumcised phallus with a pinhole meatus. Urodynamic studies confirmed obstruction to urine outflow. He subsequently had meatoplasty done but renal impairment persisted due to long-standing obstruction.

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Ifeoluwa Stowe
olaoyeifeoluwa@yahoo.com (Primary Contact)
Babawale Bello
Stowe, I., & Bello, B. (2023). Obstructive nephropathy secondary to meatal stenosis: a rare cause in adults; a case report and literature review. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 6(07). Retrieved from http://jmcrr.info/index.php/jmcrr/article/view/270
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