Case of Hematometra Hematosalpinx- An Atypical Presentation Atypical Presentation – A case of Unicornuate Uterus with Rudimentary Horn

Vandana Verma (1) , Banashree Nath (2) , Snehlata Meena (3) , Vaibhav Kanti (4) , Parul Sinha (5) , Banashree Nath (6) , Apala Priyadarshini (7)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:50:"All India institute of medical sciences, Raebareli";} , India
(2) , India
(3) , India
(4) , India
(5) , India
(6) , India
(7) , India


Hematometra and hematosalpinx is collection of blood in the uterine cavity and fallopian tube respectively. It is common in cases of obstructive uterine anomalies. We are presenting here a case of large hematosalpinx with hematometra in rudimentary horn with atypical presentation. The rudimentary horn may be nonfunction in that condition no management is required. However, in the case of rudimentary horn with functional endometrium resection of the rudimentary horn is a must, as it can lead to hematometra, hematosalpinx, malpresentation, frequent abortion, and premature labor, infertility, ectopic pregnancy in rudimentary horn which can even lead to mortality due to ruptured rudimentary horn having pregnancy. Therefore, early diagnosis is crucial but difficult due to the absence of symptoms.

key words-Unicornuate uterus, hematosalpinx, uterine anomaly, rudimentary horn

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Vandana Verma (Primary Contact)
Banashree Nath
Snehlata Meena
Vaibhav Kanti
Parul Sinha
Banashree Nath
Apala Priyadarshini
Verma, V., Nath, B., Meena, S., Kanti, V., Sinha, P., Nath, B., & Priyadarshini, A. (2023). Case of Hematometra Hematosalpinx- An Atypical Presentation: Atypical Presentation – A case of Unicornuate Uterus with Rudimentary Horn. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 6(07). Retrieved from
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