Aim: To describe an original case of osteoma of the external auditory canal and and to determine its clinical characteristics and surgical treatment.
Observation: We report the case of a 34-year-old patient with no notable history, who consulted for right hearing loss with episodes of recurrent otorrhea. Otoscopy showed a formation obstructing the right external auditory canal. The formation was non-painful, non-pulsatile and hard in consistency. Tonal audiometry showed conductive hearing loss at 40dB on the right. A Cone Beam noted a pedunculated centimetric bone density growth. Surgical excision was performed via the endaura approach. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of osteoma. The subsequent evolution was good with a follow-up of 3 months.
Conclusion: CAE osteoma is rare. It is a benign and slowly growing tumor with rare complications. The treatment is surgical.