New-Onset Diabetes Post Kidney Transplant

Dr. Nahla Ahmed Mohammed Abdurrahman (1)
(1) Assistant professor of Biochemistry, Nile Valley University, Faculty of Medicine- Atbara, Sudan. , Sudan


BACKGROUND: New-onset diabetes after kidney transplantation (NODAT) is becoming more common and considered as significant clinical problem. It is one of the most frequent complications following kidney transplantation and has a negative impact on the survival and function of the graft.

AIM: To compare the accuracy of an oral glucose tolerance test to a fasting blood glucose test in the diagnosis of NODAT and to pinpoint common risk factors.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between December 2020 and March 2021, a descriptive cross-sectional hospital-based study was carried out in the Post Kidney Transplant Referred Clinic at both Ahmed Gassim Hospital and Ibn-Sina Hospital. This study included 60 people in total thanks to a practical sampling technique. Patients who had diabetes mellitus prior to or following a kidney transplant as well as those who were within the first three months after the transplant were excluded. Fisher exact tests and chi-square were used to collect and analyze biomedical data, and logistic regression models were then utilized to determine risk factors.

RESULTS: Abnormal blood glucose levels were found in 21.6% of participants, IFG was found in 5% cases and IGT was detected in 10% of the participants. Concurrent  IGT and IFG were found in 3.3%.Participants,with normal FBG, NODAT was detected in two cases by using the OGTT test.

Conclusion: Both IGT+IFG increase the risk of NODAT and as consequence cardiovascular mortality and morbidity which is the major cause of death. FBG failed to detect NODAT but, combination of FBG and OGTT improved the sensitivity of them in diagnosis of NODAT.

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS: NODAT=New onset diabetes after transplant OGTT=Oral glucose tolerance test FBG=Fasting blood glucose IFG=Impaired Fasting Glucose IGT=Impaired Glucose Tolerance.

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Dr. Nahla Ahmed Mohammed Abdurrahman (Primary Contact)
Abdurrahman, D. N. A. M. . (2022). New-Onset Diabetes Post Kidney Transplant. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 5(12). Retrieved from
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