Different therapeutic approaches in Central Serous Corioretinopathy: a case series

Vanessa Ferraro (1) , Mary Romano (2) , Jose Luis Vallejo Garcia (3) , Alessandro Randazzo (4) , Paolo Vinciguerra (5)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:27:"Humanitas University, Milan";} , Italy
(2) Humanitas University , Italy
(3) Humanitas University, Milan , Italy
(4) Humanitas, ICH , Italy
(5) Humanitas University, Milan , Italy


Purpose: To give clinical feedback to what the literature states about the different treatment of Central Serous Corioretinopathy (CSCR), outlining how, through different treatments customized on different characteristics of the patient it is possible to obtain excellent results of visual recovery.

Observations: While in acute forms a broad consensus has been reached on whether a wait-and-see attitude can be taken, in chronic forms the visual prognosis is very much influenced by the treatment to which it is subjected.

Conclusions: In the acute form (aCSCR), which has a relatively high rate of spontaneous resolution, an effective treatment should ideally prevent recurrences and subsequent disease progression. In the chronic form (cCSCR), the primary aim of treatment is currently to achieve and maintain the complete resolution of subretinal fluid.

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Vanessa Ferraro
vanessaferraro94@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Mary Romano
Jose Luis Vallejo Garcia
Alessandro Randazzo
Paolo Vinciguerra
Ferraro, V., Romano, M., Vallejo Garcia, J. L., Randazzo, A., & Vinciguerra, P. (2023). Different therapeutic approaches in Central Serous Corioretinopathy: a case series. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 6(11). Retrieved from http://jmcrr.info/index.php/jmcrr/article/view/220
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