Hypothyroidism in Microscopic Polyangiitis

Pr Salem Bouomrani (1) , Safa Trabelsi (2)
(1) Department of Internal medicine Military Hospital ofGabes. Gabes 6000. Tunisia , Tunisia
(2) Sfax Faculty of Medicine. University of Sfax. Sfax 3029. Tunisia , Tunisia


Microscopic  polyangiitis  (MPA)  is  a  systemic  necrotizing  vasculitis  affecting  principally  the  small vessels  and  characterized  by  a  large  clinical  polymorphism  with  multiple  and  varied  visceral involvement. Theoretically a preferred target because of its vascular wealth, the thyroid gland is still poorly studied during this  vasculitis. Thyroid  disorders, and particularly hypothyroidism, associated to  MPA  was  only  reported  as  sporadic  cases,  thus  their  exact  mechanisms,  signification,  and eventually prognostic implications are not well known. The aim of this paper is to review thyroid dysfunctions, particularly hypothyroidism, associated with MPA  with  focus  on  their  epidemiological,  therapeutic  and  evolutionary  characteristics,  their  possible pathogenic mechanisms as well as their prognostic implications

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Pr Salem Bouomrani
salembouomrani@yahoo.fr (Primary Contact)
Safa Trabelsi
Bouomrani, P. . S. ., & Trabelsi, S. . (2022). Hypothyroidism in Microscopic Polyangiitis . Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 2(03). Retrieved from http://jmcrr.info/index.php/jmcrr/article/view/184
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