Temper Improvement with Diet and Physical Activity According to The Kind of Temperament Based on Traditional Medicine of Iran

Maghsoud Nabilpour (1) , Mahdi Qanavati (2)
(1) Department of Sport Sciences, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran , Iran, Islamic Republic of
(2) Member of Iranian Traditional Medicine Researchers , Iran, Islamic Republic of


Introduction and aims: Diet and physical activity can be linked to the human temperament.  Moderation of an individual’s temperament may produce health benefits and improve bodily functions.  This study wasdone  with  the  aim  of  temperamentimprovement  using  diet  and  physical  activity  according  to procedures basedon ancient Iranian medicine.                               

Materials and methods:This clinical trial was performed in a gymnasium facilityin Ahvaz on a sample of200 individuals (120men and 80women) who exhibited four different temperaments. Temperament condition was determined from a self-administered questionnaire. After adjusting for different sports categories,  four  groups of50  participants  each  were  developed  based  on  the  kind  of  temperament reported. After 90 days,temperamentswere reassessed questionnaire.

Results:Results  showed  that  between  gender  (p=0.120),  marital  status  (p=0.67), level  of  education (p=0.055),and  temperament  type,  there wasno a  correlation.  But  there was a correlation between temperament, sportsmen age (p=0.011) and body mass (p<0.001). After the interventions, dependent t-test showed that there wasa significant improvement through physical activityin sportsmen who had Blood(p=0.001), Yellow bile(.015), Black bile(p=.038) and Phlegm(p=.002) temperaments.Conclusion:Temper improvement by physical activity and diet basedon the Iranian ancient medicine is an effective way to bringan individual's temperament more into balance

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Maghsoud Nabilpour
nabilpour@yahoo.com (Primary Contact)
Mahdi Qanavati
Nabilpour, M. . ., & Qanavati, M. . (2022). Temper Improvement with Diet and Physical Activity According to The Kind of Temperament Based on Traditional Medicine of Iran. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 2(06). Retrieved from http://jmcrr.info/index.php/jmcrr/article/view/172
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