Early Discontinuation of implant and Its Associated Factors Among Women Who Ever Used Implant in 2017/2018 in Hawassa Health Centers, Southern Ethiopia,2019

Kaleab Tesfaye (1)
(1) Hawassa College Of Health Science, Hawassa , Ethiopia , Ethiopia


Background: Contraceptive   use   plays   an   important   role   in   reducing   fertility;   and   at   timescontraceptive prevalence has been used to evaluate the effect of family planning programs. Quality of family planning services is an important determinant of contraceptive use because it is likely to affect contraceptive adoption and, more significantly, contraceptive continuation i.e. poor access to quality Family Planning services, high discontinuation rate andlow motivation to use modern FP methods.Objective; to assess early discontinuation ofimplant and to identify associated factors among women who ever used implant in 2017/2018 in Hawassa health centers,south Ethiopia,2019Methods:   cross   sectional study   design   with   structured   and   pre   testedquestionnaires wereadministered  for  292  women  who  ever  used  implant  in  2017--2018  from June;  to  July 2019.  All research  groupmembers were undertakingdata  collection  .292  women  who  ever  used  implant  in 2017--2018were selected by simple random sampling technique and the data was collected fromthe family planning registration book of each Health centers. The data were entered and cleaned in SPSS version  20  for  analysis.  Multivariate  Logistic  regression  was  usedidentify  factors  associated  with early discontinuation rate of implant.Result:Of  the  244  who  ever  used  implant  in  the  last  one  year,  the  overall  early  implant discontinuation rate was (16%). The 39 women that had the implant removed had used implant for the duration  of  between  2  and  14  months  with  a  mean  of  6.6±2.8  months.  Almost  all  (97.4%)  of  the discontinuers had used implant only for duration of less than year, following for less than 6 months (53.8%) and 14 months (2.6%).ConclusionEarly implant discontinuation rate in this study is in a considerable number. In addition, significant numberof  women  were  also  planned  to  discontinue  before  3  years  Socio  demographic variable  including  religion,  age,  educational  level,  number  of  live  birth  and  marital  status  have  not been found to be significant Predictors of early Implant discontinuation

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Kaleab Tesfaye
kaleabtesfaye35@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Tesfaye, K. . (2022). Early Discontinuation of implant and Its Associated Factors Among Women Who Ever Used Implant in 2017/2018 in Hawassa Health Centers, Southern Ethiopia,2019. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 2(07). Retrieved from http://jmcrr.info/index.php/jmcrr/article/view/157
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