A Prospective Comparative Study of Umbilical Cord Blood Culture Versus Peripheral Venous Blood Culture in Diagnosis of Early on set Neonatal Sepsis in Preterm Neonates in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Tertiary Care Hospital

Dr. Pratyush Jain (1) , Dr. Mehul Gosai (2) , Dr. Avani Zinzala (3) , Dr. Mayuri Rathod (4)
(1) 3rdyear paediatric residentSir t hospital, Bhavnagar , India
(2) HOD and associate professor Sir t hospital, Bhavnagar , India
(3) 2ndyear paediatric resident Sir t hospital, Bhavnagar , India
(4) 2ndyear paediatric resident Sir t hospital, Bhavnagar , India



Neonatal  sepsis  is  major  cause  of   neonatal  morbidity  and mortality. Blood culture and sensitivity is gold standard for the diagnosis  of  neonatal  sepsis.  Low  sensitivity  of  blood  culture especially  in  newborn  is  due  to  small  volume  of  blood  sample collectedfrom neonates and antibiotics given before sampling.

Study Methodology

A    prospective,    analytical,    cross    sectional    study    where comparison  of  umbilical  cord  blood  culture  and  peripheral venous   blood   culture   was   done   in   100   inborn   neonates   . Sensitivity  andspecificity,  positive   and  negative  predictive values  were  calculated.  P  value  was  calculated,  Chi  Square  test was applied and association was quantified.


Higher   sensitivity(81.0%)   and   accuracy(87%)   for   predicting disease  outcome  of  patients  by  UCBC  method  against  PVBC method conclude that UCBC can be used as reliable and alternate tool to predict final outcome

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Dr. Pratyush Jain
jainpratyush@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Dr. Mehul Gosai
Dr. Avani Zinzala
Dr. Mayuri Rathod
Jain, D. P. ., Gosai, D. M. ., Zinzala, D. A. ., & Rathod, D. M. . (2022). A Prospective Comparative Study of Umbilical Cord Blood Culture Versus Peripheral Venous Blood Culture in Diagnosis of Early on set Neonatal Sepsis in Preterm Neonates in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Tertiary Care Hospital. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 4(06). Retrieved from http://jmcrr.info/index.php/jmcrr/article/view/144
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