Gangrenous Nonlithiasic Cholecystitis an Extraordinary Encounter

Alexandra Toma (1) , Dragoș Cristian Voicu (2) , Cristina Șerban (3) , Alexandru Nechifor (4) , Constantin Popazu (5)
(1) General Surgery Division, Emergency County Hospital Brăila, 810249 Brăila, România , Romania
(2) Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy,,,Dunărea de Jos'' University of Galați, 800008 Galați, România , Romania
(3) General Surgery Division, ,,Sf. Apostol Andrei'' Clinical Emergency County HospitalGalați, 800578 Galați, România , Romania
(4) Clinical Medical Department, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy,,,Dunărea de Jos'' University of Galați, 800008 Galați, România , Romania
(5) General Surgery Division, Emergency County Hospital Brăila, 810249 Brăila, România , Romania


The gangrenous cholecystitis represents a rare and an important com-plication  of  the  acute  cholecystitis.  The  gallbladder  distension  will generate  increased  pressure  and  tension  on  the  gallbladder  wall.  The local inflammatory process may evolve with ischemic phenomenaand the  necrosis  of  the  gallbladder.  We  report  the  case  of  a  65-year-old patient  with  a  known  personal  history  of  ischemic  cardiac  pathology accompanied  by  diabetes  mellitus  that  was admitted  to  the  hospital for severe abdominal pain associated with nausea and vomiting of one week’s duration. The clinic diagnostic was acalculous acute chole-cystitis.  After  the  hemodynamic  parameters  were  stabilized  and  the generalstateofthepatientimproved,wedecidedthatwecouldproceed with  the  surgical  management  of  the  pathology.  During  laparoscopy we  identified  a  gangrenous  gallbladder  that  was  surgically  removed through a Kocher incision. The postoperatory evolution of the patient was  uneventful.  As  a  serious  complication  of  acute  cholecystitis,  the gangrenous cholecystitis must be taken intoconsideration

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Alexandra Toma (Primary Contact)
Dragoș Cristian Voicu
Cristina Șerban
Alexandru Nechifor
Constantin Popazu
Toma, A. ., Cristian Voicu, D., Șerban, C., Nechifor, A. ., & Popazu, C. (2022). Gangrenous Nonlithiasic Cholecystitis an Extraordinary Encounter. Journal of Medical Case Reports and Reviews, 5(01). Retrieved from
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